Specialty Services

  • Clinical and Energy Investigative Assessment

  • Individual Transformative Trauma Informed Therapy

  • Workshops, Ceremonies, Retreats

  • Systems Consultant (Relationship, Workplace, Groups)

  • Dynamic Educational Guest Speaker

  • Couples Coaching

The Process


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Text “Curious” to (724) 473-3171


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Pricing per hour varies on the package.


Connect with Dr. Tanya

In-Person, Virtual, or Group Setting

Belief to Body doesn’t accept insurance.

Belief to Body is offering is specialty care that focuses on the beliefs and emotional blocks that basic methods have not been able to transform. Because you are committed to taking responsibility for self-change, the self-pay model is an energetic exchange and contract. It says you are ready. On the FAQ page, you will find answers to common questions

General Service Policy

Payment Policy: Payment is due upon agreement of of a treatment plan, usually during the first session.

If you would like to pay in cash- this can be arranged in the Free Consultation.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations or rescheduling of an appointment must be made 24 hours in advance. A full refund for purchased SINGLE SESSIONS will be issued if cancelations are received 24 hours in advance.

Disclaimer for PSYCH-K®: PSYCH-K® is a helpful process for working with limiting beliefs connected to many physiological, psychological, and spiritual concerns.  It is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or medical interventions.

What a Session at Belief to Body is Like

Sessions are held in-person, but can be virtual if needed. We will bring our focus to the present. I can offer a diagnosis for insight and then we will dive into the patterns root causes. The focus of sessions will be on identifying challenges and emotional blocks keeping you stuck, and then shifting energy to create the potential for change.

Lets Start your Soul Journey!

  • Mind Altering Education on the WHY and the HOW.

  • Deep Self or Systems Discovery

  • Internal Family Systems Method

  • Somatic Body Work and Boundary Setting

  • Energy Psychology

  • Acupressure Tapping (EFT)

  • Brain-Heart-Gut Connection Analysis

  • Hypnosis

  • Body Interoception Scans

  • Mindfulness

  • PSYCH-K®

  • Breath and Somatic Movement

  • Mapping Action Plans

If you’ve “tried it all” yet continue to return to unhelpful patterns that are draining your energy daily, it’s incredibly frustrating and can trigger feelings of failure, hopelessness, and helplessness.

You can only “fix” things based on what you’ve learned in the past. The cause of your fear responses can go back 14 generations or even be prenatal or pre-verbal!

Old patterns will repeat themselves – even though you’ve worked so hard and desperately desire to change – unless you learn to work with your subconscious. Behaviors are expressions of a root emotional belief and provide us with information as to where there is still resistance.

Once you address the root beliefs at an internal, subconscious level, you can rapidly reprogram beliefs and emotional blocks that you haven’t been able to release before.

Emotions are energy in motion. Learn to process and move them through your body so you can release attachment to shame, guilt, and other stuck mental and physical suffering.

While your cells are working on a scientific level to protect you, you’re trying to heal yourself on a cognitive level. And while you may gain some short-term relief pushing yourself through healthy “I should” behaviors, until you heal the subconscious that’s always running (and causing resistance!) in the background, any cognitive change will be short-lived; patterns and habits will return because your subconscious is trying to keep you safe.

No wonder you’re going back to the same patterns and beliefs you’ve always held!

It all has to blend in order to finally address the root belief in the subconscious so you can process the emotions, traumas, stories, and past programming that’s holding you back.

Once you do, you’re able to experience lasting change and feel truly like your full self – free of shame and guilt – so you can live with peace, freedom, acceptance, and love.

If you’ve ever thought, “I have tried everything and I’m still stuck,” this blend of systems-spiritual practices will help you rapidly reprogram your ways of thinking so you can experience the world feeling free, excited, and fully yourself.

  • “The active ingredient in mind/body healing is belief.”

    Rob Williams, MA Originator of PSYCH-K®

  • “Rather than genes, it is our beliefs that control our lives. PSYCH-K® is a set of simple, self-empowering processes to change your beliefs and perceptions that impact your life at a cellular level.”

    Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD Cellular Biology, Author of “The Biology of Belief”

  • “Our parts can sometimes be disruptive or harmful, but once they're unburdened, they return to their essential goodness. When we learn to LOVE ALL OUR PARTS, we can learn to love all people — and that will contribute to healing the world…”

    Dick Schwartz, PH.D, Founder of IFS

  • “Knowing oneself comes from attending with compassionate curiosity to what is happening within.”

    Gabor Maté, MD, Author of the Myth of Normal

  • “The essence of trauma is disconnection from ourselves. Trauma is not terrible things that happen from the other side—those are traumatic. But the trauma is that very separation from the body and emotions.”

    Gabor Maté, MD, Author of the Myth of Normal

  • "A lot of the resistance was, because of our fear of deep intimacy, which is fear of connection with the body, because really the authentic self emerges out of our somatic experience, our bodily felt experience."

    Peter A. Levine, PhD Medical Biophysics, PhD Psychology, Developer of Somatic Experiencing®

Do You Have Questions About How I Can Guide You to Radical Awareness That Shifts Your Whole Life?

You know you’re ready to do this work, yet you may have questions before you fully jump in. On the FAQ page, you will find answers to common questions, but if you don’t see yours answered, please contact me to discuss your unique inquiries!

Your external world is a reflection of your internal state of being.

You are a unique blend of beliefs, stories, cells, and past experiences. The work we do together is customized to your desires and ways you want to show up in the world.